Abby has been begging for a puppy for a looooonnnnggg time now. Michael and I have been talking it over and we were going to surprise her with one for her birthday. Well....Abby loves to go to this small, family owned pet store. They have all kinds of animals, but best of all they always have puppies there. You can hold them and play with them. Abby visits so often, she is a little celebrity there. They know her by name! When we walked in this past weekend we saw several puppies. Abby went straight to the chiwawa's. I spotted this cute little blonde puppy. I immediately picked her up and I was sold on her. Abby saw me hold her and fell in love. Long story short, she ours now. We named her Dixie. She's a cocker spaniel mix. She is a doll. Very laid back personality. Doesn't jump, doesn't bark, doesn't bite (which is one thing I hate about most puppies) She is perfect for Abby. Here are some pictures of the puppy and Abby.
When I was fixing Abby's hair yesterday, Kate was laying on the floor and the next thing I know, she had turned over! I grabbed my camera and got a picture. The bottom 2 are of Kate napping. She LOVES to nap in our big chair, I think it's funny! And sometimes when she is napping she has one of her eyes a little open, but she really is sleeping. You can see her doing this in the bottom picture.
I am so behind!!!!!
6 years ago
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